Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dog has some type of skin disorder that's spreading. His skin is looking turning red w/hair fal

It looks like it's the worst near his testicles but is sparse all over. He's scratching himself a lot worse now. What's wrong?

Dog has some type of skin disorder that's spreading. His skin is looking turning red w/hair falling off.?

This may be eczema. It is treatable, but you must see a vet.

Dog has some type of skin disorder that's spreading. His skin is looking turning red w/hair falling off.?

it may be a type of mange, see a vet to determine

Dog has some type of skin disorder that's spreading. His skin is looking turning red w/hair falling off.?

If you dog has skin problem .it is mainly due to you using some new chemical while moping the floor /in garden use or due to some error in the diet .Show him to your vet immediately so that you can save your self the trouble of smelling an unhealthy dog you love.

Scratching comes due to mainly irritation due to the above and due to small ticks and mite which can be eradicated by giving a shampoo the doc recommends. wishing you all the best with your dog /pet problem.

Dog has some type of skin disorder that's spreading. His skin is looking turning red w/hair falling off.?

He has mange or hot spots. call a vet

Dog has some type of skin disorder that's spreading. His skin is looking turning red w/hair falling off.?

it sounds like a burrowing might such as sarcoptic mange

your vet will take skin samples of skin and hair then run it to a science lab to be tested. when you know your results he will either have a course of injections or have to be bathed in special shampoo.

it may also be his anal glands minght need squeezing

take him to a vet

Dog has some type of skin disorder that's spreading. His skin is looking turning red w/hair falling off.?

I know someone whose dog is like that, it is a skin condition, go and see a vet.

Dog has some type of skin disorder that's spreading. His skin is looking turning red w/hair falling off.?

its mange get some used motor oil and rub it on the coat works wonders

Dog has some type of skin disorder that's spreading. His skin is looking turning red w/hair falling off.?

It could be as simple as an allergy from pollens, grasses or fleas or it could be one of another skin disorders that you can find information on here:

and here

I know that personally my dog suffers from allergies and they seem to increase with age. It started with allergies to flea bites. She was constantly scrathing, biting, rubbing her butt and losing hair along her butt, tail, back legs and private areas besides where ever else she was scratching. The original Vet clinic I took her too was no help. The vet that day looked at her for two minutes, flipped her around like a pancake and declared it was hormones and she needed fixed and gave her a prescription. When it didn't work in the time alotted and they refused to see her again and only wanted to give her another medicine, I chose another vet in the area. He literally combed her for fifteen minutes before he found evidence that she had fleas and he told be that the hair loss pattern was typical for animals allergic to flea bites. That lead to the use of Advantage and that allergy has not been a problem since.

A couple of years later she started to have this uncontrollable itching in mid august. After another trip to the vet it was determined that she was allergic to rag weed and so like clock work over the last few years she has gone to the vet in august for a shot.

This year though, her itching and scratching started at the end of June. The news had even reported that allergies were breaking out early this year in pets. She just recently came back from her second visit this summer to the vet for allergies.

So signs to look for in your pet for allergies. Chewing on legs or feet, scratching, rubbing the hair off of the area around their eyes, scratching and rubbing against furniture (my dog being small will go under a bed and rub her back up under the bed frame to "relieve" the itching on her back) loss of hair, pink or red splotchy skin as well of bumps.

Unfortunately these can be signs for anytype of skin problem because, lets face it, when your skin has a problem you scratch. I would take him to the vet. It is hard to determine what exactly could be wrong when so many skin problems exhibit the same symptoms, though some in more severe degrees than others.

I hope some of this was of help to you and good luck to the pooch. I know how horrible it is to see them suffer and nothing seems to work in helping them.

Dog has some type of skin disorder that's spreading. His skin is looking turning red w/hair falling off.?

my grams dog had the same thing a week after the vet diagnosed her with diabetes so take him to the vet immediately or scrub him down with shampoo and get some hydroquartizone on there if he's itching

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