my hair is mid brown, and i feel like a change. it will only be a temporary hair colour, about 26 washes.
What should i go for - RED or DARK BROWN
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
go for dark brown
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
red its no fun to just dye your hair the same color only darker or lighter. take a risk.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
I would go for red! It's hot this season! Good Luck! :)
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Red rocks.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
if you like change go for the red, it may bring out your skin tone, then maybe get brown, but since you have brown already, go for a new look with red, good luck
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Red!! I had bright red hair for years and it was great!
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Red rocks but don't go ginge like Sinead, be careful to leave it on long enough cos i didn't and my hair is a weird orange colour now. The L'Oreal highlights kit is crap co the magic wand thing gets caught in your hair... and then it goes all hard and smelly... i'm now getting upset remembering my trauma..sniff sniff... Anyway Good Luck!!!
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Red, because if you use just brown you will get the same thing you have just darker. Red is a good color for a change.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Depends on your complexion. I like very dark red low-lights.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Red if you feel like a change but then again most dark brown colours give your hair a really nice shine it can make your hair look really healthy.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
go in for dark brown or copper if your very fair,if your olive complexioned or dusky then go in for looks absolutly awsum..may i suggest you can go in for tinting instead of full hair colour..itll look better..
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Red, I love a redhead
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown? a little !
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
As a professional I want to say go to a salon. They can tell you what color will go well with your skin tone and eye color. You might even have them weave some red AND brown in with your own natural color! I'm going to do that myself!
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Go unto the Garnier (beauty bar) website and do the test to see if you're a warm or a cool person.
If warm, have red highlights put in, this only works on brunettes, red highlights look bad on blonds.
If you're a cool person have dark chocolate lowlights put in, for that rich multi tonal look.
Always do streaks (Highlights and/or Lowlights) first, it looks more natural, and if you want more color you can always add it later.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Try water melon red from the Clairol range.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
I think you should try colouring your hair a nice dark auburn, it's totally sexy, sophisticated and cool :)
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
B***** the red or dark brown
Go for blonde. Afterall Blondes have more fun!
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
What about Dark brown with some red steaky bits in??
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
whats the worst that can happen i mean its semi permanent so go for it
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Red is usually a very different change, people will take notice. I like both colors, but I'm too chicken to dye my hair. I would probably try a deep red, nothing like the little mermaid or anything, because with mid brown hair it will come out pretty dark. But if you want to be a little less daring, then dark brown is always going to be the elegant alternative.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
why not some of each? dark brown with red highlights? or vica versa.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
red, its more fun!
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Red, Red, Red.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
hmm...I'll have to go with the "instincts" brand and say HOT BROWN. It's a dark brown that you add in the red afterwards. Trust me, it's hot.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
i would go 4 light blonde not dark brown or red coz the red might go wrong and dark brown is kinda borin' but blonde looks nice and fresh if it's done right.
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Definetley red! If your hair is already brown, it won't be much of a change getting dark brown. Red will be a big change and hopefully will look good too!
Going to buy a hair colour - should i get red or dark brown?
Can you combine the two?
Sorry , don't know anything about dyeing hair!!
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