Saturday, May 5, 2012

How to get dyed dark brown hair to light red or blonde????????????????????????...

ok so i dyed my hair with permanet hair dye dark brown for the school play, and now i want it strawberry blonde or light blonde.

I need to know how to do that without having mt hair fall out. Differnt people said i should strip it and others said to tone all my hair a couple times..HELP!!

How to get dyed dark brown hair to light red or blonde????????????????????????...

Stripping it would be the only way to get it to change that dramatically, right now. I know that instant gratification is what you are looking for here, but really, I stripped my hair and half of it fell out. Now, instead of my healthy, thick hair, I have dull and thin hair. I would recommend dying it once a month, each time only going a few shades lighter. Also, make sure to get it done in a salon if you can, and take good care of your hair. This means no tanning booths, harsh chemicals, or harsh heat styling. Try using a silk infusion serum (I like CHI) once a day to help coat and protect your hair, but make sure to not use the silk for about a week before you dye the hair because it might coat it and protect it from taking the color. I've learned my lesson, and I know that from now on when I want to drastically lighten my hair I contact a professional. You have to live with your hair everyday all day, so to me, it's worth the few extra bucks. (Plus, you have someone to blame if something goes wrong! lol)

How to get dyed dark brown hair to light red or blonde????????????????????????...

You need to get a bleach dye.

I suggest herbal essences bleach blonde, and then go in and do whatever color you want.

Bleach takes out all the color, so it's like painting a blank canvas.

Oh, and I've done this several times in a year, and my hair doesn't break or fall out or anything.

How to get dyed dark brown hair to light red or blonde????????????????????????...

if you want it that bad go to a professional

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