Saturday, May 5, 2012

Red algie on my tank walls, brown slime on my sand and hair algie on my sand and rock.?

i have a 180L marine tank with 4 seahorses, 2 clown fish, 2 cleaner shrimps, a peppermint shrimp and a mandarin fish. also a load of nassarius snials and a couple of hermit crabsthe tank is about 3 months old with a protien skimmer and a powerhead with T5 lighting.a couple of weeks ago i noticed grass growing from my coral sand and i left it for a while and then it took over my rock and sand. then a week ago red algae on my glass and now i have greeen slime on my sand which is holding air bubbles! i have just put my cowrie snail in there from my other tank and he has eaten all the hair algae and has started to eat the red algae but i need to fix this problem or find out how it happened. please help

Red algie on my tank walls, brown slime on my sand and hair algie on my sand and rock.?

Here is a site about algae.

Red algie on my tank walls, brown slime on my sand and hair algie on my sand and rock.?

your water quality is poor that is the cause of your problem best way to fix your problem is do is do a 25% water change or 45 liter water a week make sure you match the salinity the other thing that helps is cut down the time you have your lights on by an hour or two last how old is your light bulb if over a year old replace if you do what I suggested you will see a difference in a week or two

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